Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Poll Results: Video Game / Non-Sentai Power Rangers / 20th Anniversary

What sort of video game of Power Rangers would you buy?
RPG - 121 of 522 votes from 215 people
Ranger Combat - 111
Megazord Combat - 94
Co-Op and Complexer Super Legends - 74
Complexer KRDK - 48

KRDK is the Kamen Rider Dragon Knight video game.
Super Legends is the Power Rangers Super Legends that came out a few years ago.
RPG is a role-playing game.
Co-Op is co-operational.

What video game system do you own?
Wii - 95 of 184
XBox 360 - 33
PS3 - 31
NDS - 25

If there was an Original non-Sentai Power Rangers, what theme would you prefer?
Tech - 110 of 448 votes by 216 people
Martial-Arts - 84
Space - 79
Animal - 74
Police - 52
Aquatic - 49

What would you prefer for a 20th Anniversary?
'Once a Ranger' version 2 -- 82 of 195 votes
1st Cast reunion in Movie - 39
1st Cast reunion in episode -- 38
MMPR retelling movie -- 36

'Once A Ranger' was a two-parter in Operation Overdrive (2007) and included a team of one ranger from past teams, including Adam the Black MMPR Ranger. And by 1st Cast, I mean the original cast, of course except for Thuy Trang.

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