UPDATED 2/20/11 4:10 PM EST

The kanji on the chest is part of the kanji used for "armor" (甲), brought to my attention by a commenter who has remained anonymous. 甲冑 is "armor" and 甲 can be used for shell. There is a new video on YouTube with an interview that says it will be called Shogun mode.

Well, now all those who wanted a rita can get stop complaining. Atleast regarding that. So either the rumours were wrong or her chest armor now passes safety standards...
Also looks like the Battlelized form is an Upgrade of the Mega Form. Which makes little sense, given that they use that form only in the cockpit...which makes little sense itself, aside from selling toys...
whats that think next to the mega gold ranger and squidzord it looks like the overdrive think
Why Rita? is she going to appear on this Season?
um, xppdm .... did you forget that fans have been pleading for it all last year for MMPR reversion line?
The battlelizers are BACK!
yes i remember....but i hoped that she would also appear.....on samurai
Looking forward to more from the Retrofire line. Both figures look nice. Rita is later years it looks like when she married Zed.
Maybe if they sell enough of Rita (which I'm sure they will) They will star sporadically releasing other past figures into the line. Maybe we will finally get a Dragonzord to go with the 2010 megazord. Or perhaps even a set of the Machine Empire or Astronima
Kinda curious, if and when Princess becomes samurai red will she be able to use the battlelizer? or will this be made only for Reese?
Battlized Red Ranger seem cool...i think if compare to the "coat" version of Shinkenger...but Power Rangers try to wear Japanese Cloth, we knw that...that why that Battlized Red Ranger appear...learn from the Last Samurai movie?
JUZO!!!! man that creature design is badass.
in the box it looks like its only armor will you have to buy the original figure and the the armor or does it come in a set
psowill, have you not seen the two episodes shown so far? "Reese" got renamed Jayden.
I only seen bits and pieces sadly. (I was at work for the first two episodes) Ok so is the battlelizers only exclusive to Jayden?
the battlizer looks kinda like hibiki armed form, esp the symbol in the middle looks like the oni symbol on the head.
psowill, we don't know yet about the battlizers yet. They have mega mode, which were the first toys and they enter that when they go into the zords. Makes no sense to gain more armor when not even fighting physically.
The Battlelized Red Samurai Ranger has one of the kanjis used for "armor" (甲) engraved on it
I was wondering about that, thanks. Good to know that Bandai is doing their research.
OMG!!!!!!! That is such an orgasmically EPIC battleizer!!!!!!!!!
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