Yes! | 93 (38%) |
Kinda cool | 52 (21%) |
Fred Who? | 90 (37%) |
This is silly | 59 (24%) |
Can't Wait | 56 (33%) |
Sucks | 38 (22%) |
Great | 19 (11%) |
Don't Know | 54 (32%) |
Instead of a merger of all four sites, how about a merger of Rangercentral.com and Supersentai.com; and separately have a merger of TokuCentral and Rider Legacy respectively?
Good Idea | 69 (69%) |
Bad Idea | 16 (16%) |
Don't Know Yet | 9 (9%) |
Doesn't Matter | 17 (17%) |
Yes | 174 (78%) |
No | 47 (21%) |
what was Fred's last line in the MMPR movie?
He said he would be the Silver Ranger... then said Gold Ranger.
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