UPDATED 5/17/15
Added pics for all teams except for Megaforce
The following does not include Translucent, Metallic or any other kind of special keys in the pictures but are mentioned. This is an easy guide to if you can get complete teams (about 6) or incomplete teams (more than 10!)
Added pics for all teams except for Megaforce
The following does not include Translucent, Metallic or any other kind of special keys in the pictures but are mentioned. This is an easy guide to if you can get complete teams (about 6) or incomplete teams (more than 10!)
Super Megaforce
All six Rangers of Super Megaforce are available to make a whole team. Red, Blue and Green regular ones are available in weapons and hero sets but also in the first Super Megaforce set, Pink and Yellow came in Set B, Silver came in the Silver Morpher and TRU 20 Key Set. Red had 5 versions (regular, metallic, translucent, translucent & glitter and opaque); Blue had 3 versions (regular, translucent and opaque); Green had 2 versions (regular and opaque--rare); Pink had 3 versions (regular, translucent and opaque); Yellow had 2 (regular and opaque--rare); and Silver had 4 (regular, translucent, translucent & glitter, and opaque). Of the Translucent keys: Green and Yellow are missing.
Full Team: Yes
Full Opaque: Yes
Full Translucent: 4/6
Full Opaque: Yes
Full Translucent: 4/6
Availability of regular keys: If you buy 2 sets and a Silver Morpher
Availability of Opaque Keys: Difficult to Ultra Rare. Red, Blue, Silver and Pink came in costumes; Red, Blue and Silver came with underwear; Yellow was an exclusive at Nick Hotel during PRSM weekend in October 2014; Green was exclusive at a Meet and Greet in Asia, spotted in April 2015.
Availability of Translucent Keys: If you buy Toys R Us Training Sets, Legendary Megazord and PRSM Set C.
Availability of Opaque Keys: Difficult to Ultra Rare. Red, Blue, Silver and Pink came in costumes; Red, Blue and Silver came with underwear; Yellow was an exclusive at Nick Hotel during PRSM weekend in October 2014; Green was exclusive at a Meet and Greet in Asia, spotted in April 2015.
Availability of Translucent Keys: If you buy Toys R Us Training Sets, Legendary Megazord and PRSM Set C.
Mighty Morphin
All eight Rangers (included Armored Red) of Mighty Morphin are available to make a whole team. Red, Blue, Black came in Set A. Green, White, and Armored Red came in Set B. Yellow comes in Set C and Pink comes in Set D (as of November 2014 spotted at Toys R Us and K-Mart). Red has 4 versions (regular, metallic, armored and translucent); Blue has 3 (regular, metallic, translucent); Green has 4 (regular, translucent special, translucent and metallic), White has 3 (regular, translucent & metallic); Black has ONE; Pink has two (regular & metallic); and Yellow has two (regular & metallic). SDCC 2014 released metallic keys of all seven. Of the Translucent keys: Black, Yellow and Pink are missing.
Full Team: Yes
Full Metallic: Yes
Full Translucent: 4/7
Full Metallic: Yes
Full Translucent: 4/7
Availability: If you buy all 4 packs
Availability of Metallics: Bought at SDCC 2014, eBay or other third-party suppliers at cons and online
Availability of Translucent: Buy MMPR Set C and MMPR Set D
Availability of Metallics: Bought at SDCC 2014, eBay or other third-party suppliers at cons and online
Availability of Translucent: Buy MMPR Set C and MMPR Set D
All five Alien Rangers are available for the team. Red, Blue and Black in Set One and Yellow, White and Ninjor in the second set available at Toys R Us as of January 2015.
Full Team: Yes
Availability: If you buy both packs
All six Zeo Rangers are available for the team. Red, Yellow and Blue in Set A and Pink, Green and Gold in Set B at Toys R Us as of January 2015. Pink Zeo also came in the TRU 20 Keys Set.
Full Team: Yes
Availability: if you buy both packs
You can only get 6 of 7. Red, Green and Blue came in Set A, Pink, Phantom Ranger and Blue Senturion in Set B available at TRU as of January 2015. Pink Turbo came in TRU 20 Key Set. No Yellow Ranger Key has been made. I suppose if sales go well with the new keys, they'll release Yellow with translucent versions of 2 others. Yellow has NEVER appeared at conventions nor promos. Most likely Blue Senturion and Phantom Ranger were chosen for Turbo Pack B because they are both male and both Sixth or extra heroes. Yellow was probably excluded because all these new packs or wave '6' do not have TWO females and only allow ONE.
Full Team: No
Availability of six keys: If you buy both packs
Red, Blue and Black released in Set A. Silver comes in the TRU 20 Key Set. As of January 2015, Set B has yet to be released and the only new key coming in that one is Yellow. No plans for Pink yet. The new set might come with translucent Red and Blue. Pink did appear at SDCC 2013. Most likely Pink was excluded to not have TWO females in the pack.
Full Team: No
Availability: Hard, you would have to buy both packs and the 20 Key Set. New set won't show up for another couple of months. I guess March but maybe May.
You can only get 5 out of 6. Red, Green and Blue come in Set A. As of January 2015, you can get Set B with Yellow and Magna Defender at TRU. Pink appeared at SDCC 2013 and 2014 but not at NYCC 2014. No plans for Pink yet. The only translucent key is Green. Most likely Pink was excluded to not have TWO females in the pack.
Full Team: No
Availability: If you buy both packs.
So far they only released 4 keys out of 6. The new TRU wave won't have a LR set. Red, Blue and Green come in Set A and Titanium is only available through PMC 2014. Let me add that Pink and Yellow have NEVER been seen at cons nor promotional posters.
Full Team: No
Availability of 4 keys: Really hard. LR came limited when released and Titanium only available if you went to PMC, got a ticket and paid for it or paid A LOT for it on the web.

Time Force
So far they are only releasing 5 of 6. The first set came with Red, Green and Blue; while Quantum Ranger comes in the 20 Key Set and Pink will come in the Set B Ranger Key Pack. The pack will come with Red and Green translucent. It is not out yet. Hopefully if they do a third set, it might come with Yellow, translucent blue and quantum. Most likely Yellow was excluded to not have TWO females in the pack.
Full Team: No
Availability of 5 keys: Hard, you would have to get the 20 Key Set and Set A and B.
Picture: Quantum from Megaforcecast.com
Full Team: No
Availability of 5 keys: If you get two packs
Picture: Yellow and Lunar Wolf thanks to TokuNation
Ninja Storm
All six are available, most likely because five are male. The first came with Red, Blue and Yellow; second comes with Green, Crimson and Navy. Second set now available at Toys R Us starting January 2015.
Full Team: Yes
Availability: If you get two packs
Dino Thunder
All five are available but hard to get as Yellow comes in the 20 set. Red, Blue and Black come in Set A and White comes with translucent Black and Red in Set B. The set is not out yet.
Full Team: Yes
Availability: Hard, Both sets and 20 Key Set
6 of 8 Rangers are available. Yes I am counting Kat Ranger as she was part of the Gokaiger Ranger Keys. Red, Blue and Green came in Set A and Pink, Shadow and Omega come in Set B now available at Toys R Us. A dream would be the next set to be Yellow, Kat and some translucent key. Yellow has appeared in promotional posters. Most likely Yellow was excluded to not have TWO females in the pack. Also Nova Ranger was also a SPD Ranger carried on from the original source Dekaranger unlike the A-Squad Rangers but she did not appear in Gokaiger. Also, she is female so it is unlikely to see her. A bigger dream would to have a pack with Yellow, Kat and Nova but that might never happen.
Full Team: No
Availability of 6 keys: Both Sets

Mystic Force
6 of 8 Rangers are available. First set has Red, Yellow and Green; second has Solaris Knight, Wolf Warrior and White, which are now available at Toys R Us. So no Blue and Pink. Blue and Pink have appeared in promotional posters. Most likely Blue and Pink were excluded to not have TWO females in the pack.
Full Team: No
Availability of 6 keys: Both Sets

Operation Overdrive
5 of 7 Rangers, yes I am counting Solaris Knight as he was part of the Gokaiger Ranger Keys. Red, Black and Blue came in Set A and Yellow and Mercury will come in Set B soon to come out with translucent Red. A dream would be Pink and Sentinel to come with a translucent key in a third set. Pink NEVER has been seen at any convention nor posters. Most likely Pink was excluded to not have TWO females in the pack.
Full Team: No
Availability of 5 keys: Both Sets
Jungle Fury
All 5 main Rangers but no Dai Shi, Camile and Spirit Rangers. A metallic Violet Wolf came with PMC 2014 exclusive set. Red, Yellow and Blue came in the first set and Violet, White Rhino and a translucent Yellow in second set. Set not out yet. Dai Shi and Camile were both Gokaiger Ranger Keys in Japan, but Bandai America/Saban Brands probably count them as villains only. Also, they did not appear in Super Megaforce. Granted, none of the other Extra Heroes except for Wolf Warrior appeared, but since they are in-between villains and heroes, it's a hard ball.
Full Team: Yes
Availability: Both Sets

Only 6 of 7. Red, Yellow and Blue came in set A and Green, Gold and Silver in the Set B now available at Toys R Us. Black is left out which is ironic as he was the main character. Hopefully a new set would come with Black and the Silver/Gold Combo. Black has appeared at SDCC 2013.
Full Team: No
Availability of 6 keys: Both Sets

Only 5 of 7. Even though Lauren (female Red) has been advertised in promos and back of boxes, she won't be available. Red, Green and Blue came in the first set and Pink and Gold will come in a second set with a translucent MALE red key. Set as of January is not out yet. Yellow has only seen in a small promotional image for the initial 20 key set which later changed. Most likely Yellow and Lauren were excluded to not have TWO or THREE females in the pack.
Full Team: No
Availability of 5 keys: Both Sets
Only four keys are available. Red, Blue and Black in Set A and Robo Knight in the Silver Spear or the 20 key set. Pink and Yellow have not been planned yet. Yellow has been seen in promotional posters and in a small promo pic for initial 20 key set which later changed.
Full Team: No
Availability: Sort of difficult as if you want Robo Knight you need to find the Silver Spear or get the 20 key set.
Picture: Not until better pictures

Time Force
So far they are only releasing 5 of 6. The first set came with Red, Green and Blue; while Quantum Ranger comes in the 20 Key Set and Pink will come in the Set B Ranger Key Pack. The pack will come with Red and Green translucent. It is not out yet. Hopefully if they do a third set, it might come with Yellow, translucent blue and quantum. Most likely Yellow was excluded to not have TWO females in the pack.
Full Team: No
Availability of 5 keys: Hard, you would have to get the 20 Key Set and Set A and B.
Picture: Quantum from Megaforcecast.com
Wild Force
So far they are only releasing 5 of 6. The first came with Black, Red and Blue. The second set will come with Yellow and Lunar Wolf. It is not available in the United States as of yet. It will come with a translucent Black. Hopefully if they do a third set, it might come with White, translucent red and blue. White appeared at SDCC 2013. Most likely White was excluded to not have TWO females in the pack.Full Team: No
Availability of 5 keys: If you get two packs
Picture: Yellow and Lunar Wolf thanks to TokuNation
Ninja Storm
All six are available, most likely because five are male. The first came with Red, Blue and Yellow; second comes with Green, Crimson and Navy. Second set now available at Toys R Us starting January 2015.
Full Team: Yes
Availability: If you get two packs
Dino Thunder
All five are available but hard to get as Yellow comes in the 20 set. Red, Blue and Black come in Set A and White comes with translucent Black and Red in Set B. The set is not out yet.
Full Team: Yes
Availability: Hard, Both sets and 20 Key Set
6 of 8 Rangers are available. Yes I am counting Kat Ranger as she was part of the Gokaiger Ranger Keys. Red, Blue and Green came in Set A and Pink, Shadow and Omega come in Set B now available at Toys R Us. A dream would be the next set to be Yellow, Kat and some translucent key. Yellow has appeared in promotional posters. Most likely Yellow was excluded to not have TWO females in the pack. Also Nova Ranger was also a SPD Ranger carried on from the original source Dekaranger unlike the A-Squad Rangers but she did not appear in Gokaiger. Also, she is female so it is unlikely to see her. A bigger dream would to have a pack with Yellow, Kat and Nova but that might never happen.
Full Team: No
Availability of 6 keys: Both Sets

Mystic Force
6 of 8 Rangers are available. First set has Red, Yellow and Green; second has Solaris Knight, Wolf Warrior and White, which are now available at Toys R Us. So no Blue and Pink. Blue and Pink have appeared in promotional posters. Most likely Blue and Pink were excluded to not have TWO females in the pack.
Full Team: No
Availability of 6 keys: Both Sets

Operation Overdrive
5 of 7 Rangers, yes I am counting Solaris Knight as he was part of the Gokaiger Ranger Keys. Red, Black and Blue came in Set A and Yellow and Mercury will come in Set B soon to come out with translucent Red. A dream would be Pink and Sentinel to come with a translucent key in a third set. Pink NEVER has been seen at any convention nor posters. Most likely Pink was excluded to not have TWO females in the pack.
Full Team: No
Availability of 5 keys: Both Sets
Jungle Fury
All 5 main Rangers but no Dai Shi, Camile and Spirit Rangers. A metallic Violet Wolf came with PMC 2014 exclusive set. Red, Yellow and Blue came in the first set and Violet, White Rhino and a translucent Yellow in second set. Set not out yet. Dai Shi and Camile were both Gokaiger Ranger Keys in Japan, but Bandai America/Saban Brands probably count them as villains only. Also, they did not appear in Super Megaforce. Granted, none of the other Extra Heroes except for Wolf Warrior appeared, but since they are in-between villains and heroes, it's a hard ball.
Full Team: Yes
Availability: Both Sets

Only 6 of 7. Red, Yellow and Blue came in set A and Green, Gold and Silver in the Set B now available at Toys R Us. Black is left out which is ironic as he was the main character. Hopefully a new set would come with Black and the Silver/Gold Combo. Black has appeared at SDCC 2013.
Full Team: No
Availability of 6 keys: Both Sets

Only 5 of 7. Even though Lauren (female Red) has been advertised in promos and back of boxes, she won't be available. Red, Green and Blue came in the first set and Pink and Gold will come in a second set with a translucent MALE red key. Set as of January is not out yet. Yellow has only seen in a small promotional image for the initial 20 key set which later changed. Most likely Yellow and Lauren were excluded to not have TWO or THREE females in the pack.
Full Team: No
Availability of 5 keys: Both Sets
Only four keys are available. Red, Blue and Black in Set A and Robo Knight in the Silver Spear or the 20 key set. Pink and Yellow have not been planned yet. Yellow has been seen in promotional posters and in a small promo pic for initial 20 key set which later changed.
Full Team: No
Availability: Sort of difficult as if you want Robo Knight you need to find the Silver Spear or get the 20 key set.
Picture: Not until better pictures
If there is a 'third' wave for these new Ranger Keys in 2015, they would have to make new sets for Turbo, In Space, Lost Galaxy, Lightspeed, Time Force, SPD, Mystic Force, Operation Overdrive, RPM, Samurai and Megaforce. Since they usually go by 7 or 8, they should be able to be able to split them by 7 and have Dino Charge keys too.
My guess would be:
Wave 3--Turbo (Yellow, T Red, T Blue), Lost Galaxy (Pink, T Red, T Blue), SPD (Yellow, Kat, T Red), Mystic Force (Pink, Blue, T Red), RPM (Black, Gold/Silver, T Red), Dino Charge 1 (Red, Black, Blue) and Lightspeed (Pink, Yellow, T Red)
Wave 4--In Space (Pink, T Black, T Silver), Time Force (Yellow, T Blue, T Quantum), Operation (Pink, Sentinel, T Blue), Samurai (Yellow, Lauren, T Gold), Megaforce (Yellow, Pink, T Red), Dino Charge 2 (Gold, Green, Pink) and Dino Charge 3 (Cyan, Grey, Violet). Or they can screw with us (EVEN MORE) and split Lightspeed, Mystic Force, Megaforce and Samurai into more packs like they did Mighty Morphin.
My guess would be:
Wave 3--Turbo (Yellow, T Red, T Blue), Lost Galaxy (Pink, T Red, T Blue), SPD (Yellow, Kat, T Red), Mystic Force (Pink, Blue, T Red), RPM (Black, Gold/Silver, T Red), Dino Charge 1 (Red, Black, Blue) and Lightspeed (Pink, Yellow, T Red)
Wave 4--In Space (Pink, T Black, T Silver), Time Force (Yellow, T Blue, T Quantum), Operation (Pink, Sentinel, T Blue), Samurai (Yellow, Lauren, T Gold), Megaforce (Yellow, Pink, T Red), Dino Charge 2 (Gold, Green, Pink) and Dino Charge 3 (Cyan, Grey, Violet). Or they can screw with us (EVEN MORE) and split Lightspeed, Mystic Force, Megaforce and Samurai into more packs like they did Mighty Morphin.
Third SPD key could be Nova ranger / Dekabright?
I wish, David but three girl keys is impossible, look how they split Mighty Morphin Pink and Yellow in two different packs.
Camille and Jarrod do count since they part of the Gokaiger Ranger Keys as well.
true, mateus but i give BA a free pass as J and C were villians originally.
Well, you could explain why they're excluded from this list.
No problem, Mateus, I will.
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