Sunday, October 1, 2023

Power Rangers Cosmic Fury - Off Grid - Episode Review



On planet Errodis. Javi has trouble playing his guitar with his arm. Billy tells Amelia and Aiyon how he lost his powers and became a Wolf Ninja. Solon comments on how it is a downgrade from the dinosaur powers. They are fixing their morphers and blasters. Aiyon says they need their powers back to defeat Zedd. Amelia asks Billy for ideas. Billy looks at the Master Red staff and says he will take care of the powers. They can't reach Earth because it is too far. They think of using Zayto's antennae that he used to communicate with Rafkon. Amelia calms down a hyped-up AIyon and convinces him to cook. Javi de-strings his guitar and doesn't want pity. Billy offers to re-string the guitar. Meanwhile, Izzy and Fern clean up a room for Billy. Fern finds blueprints to convert the base in a spaceship. 

Fern gives Izzy a hoodie from their new college. Fern tells Izzy she should've told her about Lord Zedd. Izzy apologizes, mentioning she didn't want to worry her but it backfired. They almost kiss when they hear Aiyon making a mess in the kitchen. He doesn't have much food. Amelia gets everyone to put up the antennae. Izzy discourages Fern from going there. Billy puts a key near the staff and theorizes it has residual grid energy. Solon says Mick said the Morphin Masters channeled power from the grid. Fern asks who the Morphin Masters are, "Space Wizards." Billy might be able to make new powers from the link. Meanwhile, Ayion finds food and also eggs. The Rangers encounter a baby scuttleworm. The Scuttleworm eats all the food and becomes adult-size. The Rangers fight it with their swords and set up the antennae. 

Javi slaps the Scuttleworm away with his new arm. Solon receives signals from Earth, that it is being attacked. After three years, I realized the BuzzBlast logo is two B's, I thought it was just random colors. Jane and J-Borg say the Rangers' zords are being affected. Solon patches into Coral Harbor, Shaw says the zords aren't working because of Zedd's blocker. Fern wonders if they can contact their parents. Javi says it might lead the villains to them. Meanwhile, in Japan, Ollie gets to Lani. Ollie supposedly is good and gives her a device she made. She accepts it and hugs him. He tells her they left without her. He tells her he wants to beat Zedd. She shows him an encrypted message from Mick. Mick says he found an energy signature of Zayto on the planet of Levvina. Ollie shows his true colors, saying the team will fall. He calls her Mama Bear and leaves. She is chilled to the bone. Meanwhile, Aiyon is cooking. Amelia thinks he is still stressed. Aiyon says he is upset Zayto was gone, then back, and then gone again. Amelia thinks he is not doing well emotionally. He admits it. She tells him she misses Ollie all the time, but she is focused on the hope that they can cure him. 

She doesn't want to replace Zayto but she is here to listen. She tells him something Pop Pop tells her, a metaphor for rope, supporting each other. Aiyon mixes metaphors. She tastes some of his stew. Meanwhile, Izzy and Fern show Solon the spaceship blueprints. They find the Scuttleworm has found them. They call Billy but he doesn't answer. The Rangers want to fight the Scuttleworm, the four teleport and fight it. The worm sniffs Aiyon. Aiyon feeds him his apron and teleports away. Javi tries fighting it but he spits on him. Aiyon returns with a bike and his stew. The Scuttleworm eats the stew. Back in the Mega Drill above planet Earth, Squillia dances with some monsters. Ollie speaks to Zedd. Zedd makes Squillia cry. Ollie shows the Mick message to Zedd. Zedd calls Scrozzle, he gives Ollie his present. Zedd calls Ollie "Boy." Ollie requests a team to capture Zayto, getting a team. Zedd sends the dancers. 

Billy arrives with the staff and morphers. He has six morphers. He says it felt right to keep the dinosaur theme. The morphers link to their comms.  Billy says it was easy. The Morphin Grid gives them Cosmic Orbs. Solon gets two, for Ollie and Zayto. They morph and marvel at their new weapons. Amelia is amazed she is Red. Billy says the Morphin Grid responded to her leadership qualities. They say it makes sense. She is touched. Mick sends another message, that Zayto is on Levvina but Zedd is heading there. Billy needs to help Fern and Solon so the Rangers summon the zords and go to Levvina.

Franchise Shoutouts:

* Billy mentions the Ninja Powers from Season 3.

* Zedd mentions Omwhyzo, who will come up in some episodes. 

Episode Review:

Even though I know they said they wouldn't do filler episodes, this did feel like a filler because it is the classic trope of "Trapped in a Bottle" Episode. They are stuck on a deserted planet and can not morph. But it works in character ways by showing Amelia's leadership qualities, Aiyon's grief, Javi's struggles and the Izzy-Fern relationship.  Izzy has trouble letting Fern get involved because she doesn't want to see her hurt. Billy sure does work fast in creating powers, saying the Morphin Masters are better than him but we know he helped with the Zeo Zords and was supposed to make the Turbo powers, so we know he is the guy to go to create new powers. Now, maybe some fans can blame him for the suit looks but that has to go to Hasbro, not him. I don't hate the suits, I just think they would've looked better without the padding and maybe darker triangles and a symbol running down the middle. Hasbro sure did want to run with the dino theme. I thought the orbs would at least have the constellation themes but that is not the case. The orbs basically are just rehashed Dino Keys with the dino powers. 

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