Episode Summary:
Dr. K is playing her violin and trying to configure the Zenith Megazord with no avail. She breaks the strings on her violin when Summer walks in. Meanwhile, Venjix presents the Reflex Bot and it opens up its mirror and the two dumb generals say how ugly they are, without realizing it is them. Venjix releases another one for Tenaya, saying she is his wisest and most trusted general. She says it is not saying much as the others continue being dumb. Back at the garage, Dr. K explains to the Rangers and Colonel that the Venjix hardware has gotten better and they can't match up. She needs a new flux overthruster for the Zenith Megazord, she doesn't have the answers and everyone is full of questions. Ziggy asks his question once again, "Are we or are we not the good guys?" Dr. K asks him what it is like. Ziggy is "like what?"

She asks what is it like being stupid your whole life, she wants to know if it is wonderful as it seems. Flashback to Dr. K as a child and playing with chalk making circles around one girl's pretty little house with equations. A mysterious man and woman, walk up to her, we do not see their faces. Dr. K offers them a chalk. Fade to black, no title as most origin episodes had titles. Dr. K blows the candles on her birthday cake and she wants to go outside but she is told her skin is sensitive to the sun and she is very sick. She has been taken in by this man and woman in the government corporation Alphabet Soup for her whole life. The man and woman tell her over and over again to do work, equations, and make a computer program. They ask her what is her wish on her birthday (she is probably a teenager by now), she says she wishes she could remember her name. Back to reality, the rangers go fight the monster.

The two megazords are formed and the bot can replicate a solid object and it does so with the Shark and Wolf and splits ValveMax apart. The bot replicates their saber and attacks the High Octane Megazord and the other three go down. Dr. K is distressed. The Rangers are at the mercy of the robot but it slows down and has a system failure. It shuts down and shrinks to adult size. Back at the lab, the soldiers bring in the robot, Colonel wants to destroy it but Dr. K wants to study it. She asked by Corporal Hicks how she created the Ranger Stuff. She says she had help. Flashback to her playing with her musical keyboard. The Man and Woman of Alphabet Soup bring her two test pilots for the Ranger hardware project... twins Gem and Gema who complete each other's sentences. They were raised in 'The Soup' as well.

They wish her happy birthday and give her a present... a big pencil of two colors (green and yellow). They say they are her friends. The present was wrapped with a gold ribbon and silver ribbon. She says she doesn't even like them. They say they still like her anyway. She worked that pencil to a nub working on the Ranger hardware on her computer. She spots a butterfly on her keyboard and follows it. The butterfly reaches a window and Dr. K is shocked to find out that the sunlight does not effect or harm her. Back to the present, the Rangers fight the drones and Tenaya surprises K again in her lab. K blasts her with her cannon and Tenaya blasts the lasers.

Tenaya makes it so Red can't control his zord. K puts a tub over Tenaya so she can't escape but of course her hand does. K tries to get things working again. Tenaya says she is getting out of there. K remembers when she wanted to escape 'The Soup' and take Gem and Gema with her. She explains they aren't allergic to the sun. It was all a lie. K planned to blind the security servers for a few minutes so the three could escape... with the Venjix virus they told her to create. She detonates it and then security comes to take Gem and Gema. So K tries to stop the virus but soldiers come and get her but she says she has to stop it or it will infect the entire world. She says all she wanted was to go outside. Present time, the Rangers gain control of the zords. The monster becomes big and K fight Tenaya. High Octane fights the suped-up robot with new additions. Tenaya whistles the 'Farmer in the Dell' again and mentions how K 'royally messed up.' K blasts at her angrily.

We see K do the message we heard in the first message and pack up the five Ranger morpher and cells. The Man and Woman want the computer back and don't want anyone to know Venjix started at the Soup. She tells them the world needs the Ranger technology. The two point guns at her. Gem and Gema beat them up for her. Gema says they are going back for the Gold and Silver series. K tells them they have no time. They run anyway and there are blasts and she thinks they are dead. K cries for her friends in a mini-freak out, Dr. K points the mirror of the fake bot at her and the flux thingy she needed is duplicated so they can make Zenith, which they do. They destroy the monster, Tenaya is kicked out by K's violin/sound blaster and she then looks sadly at the gold and silver ribbons of her only friends in the whole world.

One of the best! With the classical music and a few twists and turns, some expected (K asking Ziggy how it is being stupid) and unexpected (the reveal on Venjix). And a mega big other surprise! Gem and Gema! Yes, Gem and Gema are the Gold and Silver Ranger, not Scott's dead brother and Tenaya how some have theorized. This episode has so much backstory that the monster being destroyed was reduced to the end. And now we can theorize on why the two generals of Venjix are so dumb, the virus was created by a super genius teenager! This explains a lot and I am glad it was not all reduced to the day the virus hit. OOOOhhh, and K is keeping a secret from the Rangers! I couldn't count the candles on her cake, it's hard because the cake is white, the candles are white and almost the whole room was white!!! So does the 'K' stand for Katherine or Kim? We may never know! K doesn't even know.
I counted the candle on her last cake. It was 14.
What I like to know is what was Alphabet Soup working on? Ranger tech? rocket equations? A virus? Whatever they were working on, they would stoop as low as to hurt a kid to make sure the project was never found out. I have a feeling that the suits at Alphabet Soup weren't given a grant.
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