Series that strays from Sentai have been Lost Galaxy & Dino Thunder and series that have been more or less faithful were Time Force & Wild Force. In Go-Onger, the zords spoke and Go-Onger fans were disappointed to find out they don't speak here. I think it has to do a lot with culture. One would agree or disagree if which series is best, but I don't think one is better than another, it really does have to do with preference. Anyhoo, whatever your opinion, this is a season worth watching. With its dark tone, this proves that it can be done and it can work. RPM can also be considered a show for all-audiences. Also, it is interesting to mention how Kamen Rider Dragon Knight and RPM are both dark tones and I think it has a lot to do with the state of the world now. It is an appropriate time to do so. Even though RPM has 'dark tones,' it is still pretty funny.
Each episode deals with a moral issue or an adversity to overcome. For example, in "Ranger Green," Ziggy is wrongfully thought of robbing a bank and put back in jail. He had made different cartels angry at him because it was believed he stole a cargo for himself. But it turns out it was medicine and he gave it to Orphans, so at the urging of an informant, Dr. K (who did not initially like him) went to save him from the cartels. In "Ranger Blue," Flynn had always been told his whole life there was no such thing as superheroes but he never gave up. In "Ranger Yellow," Summer drew from her experiences of a dark period in her time and even though she was abandoned by her parents, she was willing to commit a sacrifice in order to help them. And so on and so on. Even though some might think the series is a 'rip-off' of other Apocalyptic movies, I think it is very well written, the 'plot twists' are hack-neyed or too over-dramatic. The show doesn't take itself too seriously and can make fun of itself, but it does it with flavor, not like Ninja Storm, that came off a bit over the top or campy. For one, there is actual character development and personal growth.
The show is creative, with its villainess Tenaya 7 for example, her first appearance is marked with her whistling "The Farmer and the Dell." Also, this is the first series to be brave enough to have two Rangers in jail for 3 episodes (not all back to back, mind you) and have the mafia and already more than 2 deaths close to the characters. So far the death count is the Red Ranger's elder brother and the Yellow Ranger's butler, who raised her. Even though the Rangers are 'types' like the 'tough leader,' 'the girl,' 'the bad boy,' 'the clown,' etc., they are more multi-dimensional than that. For example, the bad boy Dillon has a gentle side and doesn't know his past and sense of humor, Ziggy is not only a clown, he is mortality is in the grey area and a big story-teller, and Summer is a brave and no-gruff taking heroine but used to be a shallow heiress. Curiously enough, the series also has a great deal to do with family; we have already met three of the Ranger's parents in the course of ten episodes which is rare.

Their boss, Dr. K did not initially reveal her identity. She was believed to be a man, as she communicated to them through a white screen monitor with the letter K graphic and a muted voice. Dr. K in reality is a anti-social woman who does not like going outside and she looks like a child, what, with her mary jane shoes. She is a genius, who defends many of the reasons non-fans may not like Power Rangers: the spandex (the material their suits are made of), the eyes of the new zords (the talking Engines in Go-Onger), etc. We will find out further in next week's episode about Dr. K, so I might update this blog later. I really do hope this series wraps up the plots they made, which is difficult in Power Rangers, because of the footage but this season seems to be doing the smart thing that if the footage doesn't fit in, they don't use too much of it. Some may complain of short megazord fights but if the footage doesn't fit, then don't use it. Can't wait to see what happens. I personally like both Go-Onger and RPM, I can appreciate them on distinct levels.
~Lavender Ranger

Their boss, Dr. K did not initially reveal her identity. She was believed to be a man, as she communicated to them through a white screen monitor with the letter K graphic and a muted voice. Dr. K in reality is a anti-social woman who does not like going outside and she looks like a child, what, with her mary jane shoes. She is a genius, who defends many of the reasons non-fans may not like Power Rangers: the spandex (the material their suits are made of), the eyes of the new zords (the talking Engines in Go-Onger), etc. We will find out further in next week's episode about Dr. K, so I might update this blog later. I really do hope this series wraps up the plots they made, which is difficult in Power Rangers, because of the footage but this season seems to be doing the smart thing that if the footage doesn't fit in, they don't use too much of it. Some may complain of short megazord fights but if the footage doesn't fit, then don't use it. Can't wait to see what happens. I personally like both Go-Onger and RPM, I can appreciate them on distinct levels.
~Lavender Ranger
1 comment:
power rangers rpm rock, i just wish you could read about a episode before it came on!
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