UPDATED 11/17/12
As I do with everything, I cover both Super Sentai and Power Rangers. Previously, I covered women's roles in Super Sentai, now it's the turn of the Power Rangers.
Kimberly may started out as a bimbo-esque cheerleader, but she was also a gymnast and she was allowed to develop as the show went along. And what many people forget is that she also knew sign-language and learned how to fly a plane by herself. She was very capable to handle situations on her own, once she calmed down of course. And Trini was a very self-aware person, she was fully-realized, she knew who she was, she had very little doubts in herself, except for of course, her fear of heights, which she quickly got over. The point is that Kimberly evolved.
If Super Sentai is infamous for showing scantly-clad women in elaborate costumes (the villainesses) or in swimsuits, the only case of this in Power Rangers was in the movie. Many of the villainess costumes from Sentai were not used because they were too quote-unquote 'sexy.' But maybe with the movie, Saban felt he could have more lee-way than he had with Saturday mornings. This was one of the most scantly-clad outfits in the whole franchise of Power Rangers. Could you have imagined Catherine Sutherland (Katherine Hillard) in this outfit? She auditioned for it.
As I do with everything, I cover both Super Sentai and Power Rangers. Previously, I covered women's roles in Super Sentai, now it's the turn of the Power Rangers.

If Super Sentai is infamous for showing scantly-clad women in elaborate costumes (the villainesses) or in swimsuits, the only case of this in Power Rangers was in the movie. Many of the villainess costumes from Sentai were not used because they were too quote-unquote 'sexy.' But maybe with the movie, Saban felt he could have more lee-way than he had with Saturday mornings. This was one of the most scantly-clad outfits in the whole franchise of Power Rangers. Could you have imagined Catherine Sutherland (Katherine Hillard) in this outfit? She auditioned for it.

Lauren joins the Power Rangers Super Samurai as the technical second female Red Ranger but the first female Red Ranger of the official team and taking over from the male leader. The way is handled is in a non-sexist manner. Mike is uncomfortable with the new leader but not why she is not male but because she simply is 'not Jayden.' She is both a stern and kick-butt leader with quirky one-liners but also a sweet and sensitive woman. Having training and practicing her whole life, she is a bit sheltered and played for laughs (for example. enjoying Mia's cooking) but not so much since she is only around for a few episodes. She adds a new dynamic to the Jayden character and also to the cast itself.

While I have mentioned before about the color pink and how in the past in America, pink was considered for boys and blue for girls, the color Pink has gotten hostility towards femininity. I highly believe it is ridiculous to equate a color with gender. Colors have no genders! They are just colors! It is really dumb to believe pink is only for girls. It is great that the heronies have one color over the boys, but all colors should be equal, so heronies should be able to wear red, black, green, purple, and dark blue and men can wear pink. And as for skirts, there are plenty of heronies that have had no skirt (especially the Yellow Rangers that their Japanese counterparts were men) but some people think the skirt should be taken away. I could take it or leave it, I like the skirts though, they are cute. And some people think they should get rid of pink because pink is 'not a real color' because it is a light red, but I think all the shades should get a chance (like Crimson, Navy and light Blue).
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