I know we agreed on "Mythical Destiny" but after telling multiple people and gauging their reactions.
Seemingly an arrogant jerk, he is disciplined and bad ass fighter leader.

Niki dreams of being a bride. When her friend is injured, she vows for vengeance.
He dreamed of being a doctor, but has to fulfill his duties.

Apathetic guy, he didn't train that much and doesn't want to join the team.
She is outspoken and sardonic. She recently broke up with her boyfriend, has a crush on Rodrick. I made Yellow female because I originally was doing Shinkenger and had no one else to recast.
Here is the Rangertalk topic about it if you want to talk about it
More Photos on my Flickr Account
I still have to do the photoshoot with Yellow, that's why her picture doesn't have the jacket.
The main villain is Vorous, based on Zilong from Dairanger.
Rest of the Cast
Lestre Escoto ... Marvin
Natasha Caplan ... Skylar, Niki's Friend
Johnny Midnite ... Vorous (above)
Related: http://henshingrid.blogspot.com/2010/06/voting-results-my-fan-film-project.html | http://henshingrid.blogspot.com/2010/07/update-on-my-fan-fiction-project.html
Here is the Rangertalk topic about it if you want to talk about it
More Photos on my Flickr Account
I still have to do the photoshoot with Yellow, that's why her picture doesn't have the jacket.
The main villain is Vorous, based on Zilong from Dairanger.

Lestre Escoto ... Marvin
Natasha Caplan ... Skylar, Niki's Friend
Johnny Midnite ... Vorous (above)
This looks promising. I'm definitely gonna check it out. say would you be needing any voice actors for monsters and what not? Cause I could help you out. My youtube account is trainlover476 so, look me up if you're interested
Thanks Joey, I already got someone for that. Thanks.
Is it safe to assume the personalities are left over from when you wanted to do Shinkenger?
Sort of, but my friends definitely made it their own. And there are some dramatic differences in plot you will see but I can't spoil anything.
Looking beautiful! I've started brainstorming a fan film of Maskman. Already wrote one for JAKQ, all like mini-pilots. Can't wait to see it!
hey, lavender ranger, if you are making a website, use the side profile images from super sentai time capsule in order to make the ranger profiles. also i was curious as to how old the rangers are, and if you made more episodes, and the white ranger appeared in one of them would you make him an adult, a little kid, or, a teenager?
Um... those profiles are mine, that site is mine. And I won't tell, the sixth ranger factor would be a spoiler.
Looking forward to viewing it.
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