The newest monster Negatron sees into a person and tells them their inner most flaws physically knocking them out. But he can't seem to get Emily. Emily confesses to Mike that the reason she seems to be invulnerable to this is that she trained herself to not cry. When Emily was little and was made fun of or didn't think she could handle school, she would cry and her older sister would cheer her up. But her sister got sick. When it was time for Emily to take over as a Ranger, her sister told her she regretted that she had to take her place. It also kind of seemed that Emily's older sister was dying but not confirmed. Anyway, Emily and Mike double-team him and destroy him with the Fire Smasher cannon with Beetle disk. They then do a trick attack with the ape zord when he is big and destroy him with the Megazord-Beetle combo. After the monster dies, Emily faints and Mike gets her in his arms. Later, we see Mike carrying Emily and they run to an Ice Cream truck.

The original episode of Shinkenger was just like this and it was an awesome episode. This one okay but a bit pale to it because of the acting. Both Kotoha and Emily play the flute. Even though Emily's sister only appears a little bit, I think the actress did a great job. Hector and Britney have good chemistry. I kind of winced at the line that Emily said "Stick and Stones may break my bones..." but I think it helped out when she said "Shut up." It gave it more of an edge. Good and bright episode.
*I made a mistake, the monster name is Negatron. I thought I saw a 'M' in the closed captioning.
Pictures from Samurai Cast
I think the Nighlok's name is "Negatron" (with a N) because of the negative things that he says.
Definitely my favorite episode so far, and it's no surprise that it's a Yellow Ranger-centric one, lol.
They seriously named that Monster Megatron? Odd, given who else is named Megatron.
The monster's name is MEGATRON!? Really?
Im just glad they got the team morph but still no roll call. but who care.
very awful acting in this episode, as usual.
I've heard that saying before: "Sticks and Stones May Break My Bones But Names Can Never Hurt Me".
You're not the only one who saw a 'M' in the closed captions. When its name was being said, I swore I heard "Megatron" too, lol.
"Negatron" would make a lot more sense.
My subtitle say "megatron", it's weird, but then again, the evil organisation from v3 is called "destron", galvatron's Japanese name.
Destron was the name for the Decepticons, not Galvatron. But that was before Transformers.
That's not wat the trading card that came with my original Japanese version of energon galvitron said, but either way, my point is proven, that this isn't the only time ishinomori productions used transformers names. Also metalder's amercan name was originally called cybertron
I didn't find the acting as terrible as you guys say. Well, except the blue ranger's actor, but yeah, I think they're pretty believable. And hey, I'm beginning to like this series which is saying something because it's only in the fourth episode (going so much as making it to my top five, right below, NS, JF, WF, DT)
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