I was searching the web for stageshow pics and as usual, I found something else. I found new pics of Series 4 Gasphon keys. The links are below the pics, the first picture is from Aug 11, 2011; and the second link, I am not sure when it will be available. I've been waiting for the other Series to come out. I really want some of the other keys like MagiMother, Hime Shinken Red, etc.

Ranger Keys are disturbing. They're shaped like humans, but the way they bend... And the key is like their broken spine sticking out...
I don't think I've ever understood the difference between the Gasphon keys and the regular ranger keys.
Quality. Also Gashapion uses Stickers instead of paint.
@Luca: Thanks for giving me that mental image...
@Luca, nice one.. Rangers' Spine keys! Lol...true, seeing the arms and legs being folded up.. Looks painful..ouch
Gasapon ver of keys are made of cheaper material...
The person said:
Thanks for coming to my blog. View all speaking English? I do not know much English, thank you in the future.
Sweet! GaoWhite appears somewhat male in key form!
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