UPDATED 7/20/13 11AM
So it can be safe to say there is around 50 Ranger Keys already created. Picture thanks to Fury Diamond of Megaforcecast.com. The identification of Dino Thunder Yellow to pal and fellow Power Force Member Linear Ranger of Linearranger.com
So it can be safe to say there is around 50 Ranger Keys already created. Picture thanks to Fury Diamond of Megaforcecast.com. The identification of Dino Thunder Yellow to pal and fellow Power Force Member Linear Ranger of Linearranger.com
SPD - Yellow
Time Force - Red
Mighty Morphin - Pink
Lost Galaxy - Blue
Ninja Storm - Blue
Time Force - Red
Mighty Morphin - Pink
Lost Galaxy - Blue
Ninja Storm - Blue
Megaforce - Yellow
Megaforce - Blue
Megaforce - Blue
Megaforce - Robo Knight
Wild Force - Lunar Wolf
Turbo - Green
Samurai - Red
Alien - Red
Samurai - Red
Alien - Red
Alien - Black (With a light green thing near it. Gum? Or Camille?)
UPDATE I'm nuts? Could it be her 'ponytail' or her foot or the back of her leg? Or is it just gum?
UPDATE I'm nuts? Could it be her 'ponytail' or her foot or the back of her leg? Or is it just gum?

Dairanger - Pink
Not for sure:
Dairanger or Zeo - Blue
You keep leaving crimson ninja storm ranger out
I'm not sure if my first comment made it through, but I believe you forgot to highlight the Crimson Ranger from Ninja Storm on the chart, and btw, great job on the chart!
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