All items here were, are or will be only available at Toys R Us unless other wise specified.

Legacy Power Morpher
Deluxe Power Morpher, even better than the Zyuranger version and the MMPR version. There was different versions of these morphers, the first wave had glitches. It came with five different coins. The back look like the Zyuranger Dino Buckler. It can fit as an adult buckle. It came out in 2013. This item was originally 60 to 70 dollars.
Deluxe Legacy Dino Megazord
This came out in 2013, not available in 2014 but said to be re-released for a short time very soon. It is diecast. This originally was 70 to 80 dollars in the US.
Legacy Mask Collection
This originally came out as $30 but it wouldn't sell, it eventually decreased to $15 for a little bit. Some come with mistakes, like two red helmets or wrong name on the wrong mask.
Green and White Ranger's Power Morpher
At the San Diego Comic Con 2013, a special gold version was released. Later this was announced and released in early 2014. It was the same price as the morpher with 5 coins, this only comes with two coins.
Legacy Dragonzord
This has come out in late 2014.
Dragon Dagger
Came out in 2014, it comes sounds.
Legacy Red and Green Rangers
5 inch figures put in similar boxes to the 1993 8 inch figures. These two came with White and Lord Zedd in one wave. They have been re-released after the other wave of the other colors. Green comes with silver stripe on helmet, which was accidentally put on a Morphin Madness $5 off coupon. The Action Hero MM Green has no silver stripe.
White Ranger and Lord Zedd
Came in same wave as Red and Green. Lord Zedd was exclusively sold at SDCC 2014.
Legacy Blue and Black Rangers
5 inch figures in 1993 8 inch similar boxes. Came in same wave as Pink and Yellow.
Pink and Yellow Legacy Figures
Came with Blue and Black figures. Each sold separately.
Legacy Titanus
It has recently been spotted, it is around $200. Only Dragonzord is available so Legacy Dino Megazord will be re-released soon.
Movie Legacy Figures
From the 1995 Mighty Morphin Power Rangers the Movie, these figures are based on them. Blue will come with Stega Stinger and Pink with Thunderwhip. They all come with Blade Blaster. They might be released in early 2015.
White Ranger Movie Legacy Figure
Above image from thanks to FuryDiamond/RangerCrew. Ivan Ooze will also be available. They will be released in early 2015.
Legacy Saba
Will be released in 2015, it is real big.
Legacy Power Morpher White Ranger Movie Edition
Comes with Whtie Tiger and Falconzord Movie coins in 2015.
White Tigerzord
Coming out in 2015, it comes with Zord Builder plugs but unknown if it the other Thunderzords will be released.
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