Daigoyou66 votes of 316, winner, Shurikenger
59 votes, second place, Kakuranger & MMPR
Wolzard / Koragg35 votes, Magiranger & Mystic Force
Lunajel / Gatekeeper6 votes, Magiranger & Mystic Force
Zuuban / Sentinel Knight11 votes, Boukenger & Operation Overdrive
Bull Black / Magna Defender
32 votes, Gingaman & Lost Galaxy
Rio and Mele / Jarrod and Camille26 & 21 votes, Gekiranger & Jungle Fury
Gunmajin/Auric the Conqueror 3 votes, Ohranger & Zeo
Signalman/Blue Senturion
26 votes, Carranger & Turbo
Go-Roader GT / Road Attack Zord18 votes, Go-Onger & RPM
Mascot Robo13 votes, Goseiger