When I first saw the black trim on the skirt they gave Gokai Yellow when she becomes Gao Yellow, I think it was a bit strange. Even though I liked the idea of a yellow skirt with black stripe, I didn't think it fit so much with the design of Gaoranger. Many fans are saying they prefer a gold trim. Some of these fans are hard on themselves, saying they are nitpicking, but this isn't like preferring PR over Sentai or arguing why the Red Rangers had their powers in "Forever Red," it is more of a design aesthetic, critiquing artistic choices. I personally think the black trim works better on Yellow Turbo (Turboranger).
TheNewGuy at Rangerboard brings up the Power Rangers Wild Force game for Nintendo GameBoy Advanced in 2002. He says maybe since fans got used to this design with her in the skirt, maybe fans were leaning more for a skirt with no hem or a skirt with gold. The skirt above I believe is without trim. I was not aware of this skirt as I never had the GBA game. I thought the skirts ever added to the un-skirted Yellow Rangers was the Lightspeed Rescue one for happy meals and recently MMPR Yellow in 2010 toy set.

James Spiring brought this to our attention. I didn't know this existed.
I wasn't aware of the skirt in the GBA Game ( never played it ), but I think Gold fits better with rest of the design esthetics.
me too as well the 2010 yellow ranger toy months ago and lr yellow ranger happy meal toy anyway do you have a picture of the lr yellow ranger toy
I also agree the hem shoulda been gold.
I guess I'm used to yellow having black trim because of Abaranger.
UK Wild Force comic. Yellow has a skirt with a yellow hem. As the gold parts are also yellow, it's probably meant to be gold.
@Luca: But AbareYellow did not have a black hem.
The white stripes on her were outlined with black.
But she did not have a black hem on her skirt.
Well, it's a shame that Taylor Earhardt had no skirt on her Yellow Wild Force Ranger Costume. Luka Millfy (Ruka Mirufii) can fly like an eagle? I wished if I were an Air Force General, I would've replaced Gaku Washio with Luka being a "Air Force Pirate" and try to destroy the villains down below. GaoIerou Ruka Mirufii!!! (Yellow Roaring Ranger Luka Millfy!)
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