UPDATED 7/26/13 9:30PM EST
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Like I did last time, I will be posting the pics of cards that the Power Rangers Action Card Game Facebook will post. Below is the related link of the last time I did this. So come back here or go to Facebook. It is 2 cards per day except for Super Rares and Ultra Rares. Friday is Super Rare day and Villains are on Sundays. It also seems that we are only getting one Lightspeed card (Red), one In Space (Silver), and one Lost Galaxy (Magna Defender) judging by the numbering. SPD seems to at least have 3. Also it is awesome we are getting more MMPR Ranger cards.
Facebook page:
For RangerCrew exclusives, check out:
For Henshin Justice Unlimited exclusives, check out:
For Henshin Justice Unlimited exclusives, check out:
Fury Diamond reports 7 SDCC (San Diego Comic Con) Card Exclusives by Bandai:
Evil Green Ranger, Black Ranger
Red Zeo Ranger, Pink Zeo Ranger
Yellow Zeo Ranger, Blue Zeo Ranger
Green Zeo Ranger (Andy of Action Card Game Facebook added these three on 7/3/13 at my suggestion), Gold Zeo Ranger (Rangercrew.com exclusive)
Zeo Power Rangers
Silver Space Ranger
Magna Defender
Red Lightspeed Ranger
Red Time Force Ranger, Pink Time Force Ranger
Green Time Force Ranger, Yellow Time Force Ranger
Blue Time Force Ranger, Quantum Ranger
Quantasaurus Rex, Q-Rex Megazord
Red Wild Force Ranger, Blue Wild Force White Wild Force, Yellow Wild Force
Lunar Wolf Ranger, Black Wild Force
Red Wind Ranger, Blue Wind Ranger
Yellow Wind Ranger, Green Samurai Ranger (Super Mode)
Crimson Ranger, Navy Thunder Ranger
Storm Megazord, Storm Megazord (Lighting Mode)Yellow Wind Ranger, Green Samurai Ranger (Super Mode)
Crimson Ranger, Navy Thunder Ranger
Red Dino Ranger, Tyrannozord
Triassic Ranger, Battlizer mode
Blue Dino Ranger, TricerazordYellow Dino Ranger, Pterazord
Black Dino Ranger, Brachiozord
White Dino Ranger, Dino Stegazord
Trent has a dual ally/evil ability and Stegazord is an evil zord!
Zeltrax, Thundersaurus Megazord
White Dino Ranger, Dino Stegazord
Trent has a dual ally/evil ability and Stegazord is an evil zord!
Zeltrax, Thundersaurus Megazord
Omega Ranger, Shadow Ranger

Yellow Jungle Fury Ranger, Jungle Fury Rangers
Jungle Fury Wolf Ranger, Jungle Fury Rhino Ranger
Dai Shi, Camille
Jungle Pride Megazord
Light Megazord
Samurai Battlezord, Team Card
Pink Super Samurai Ranger, Red Super Samurai Ranger
Red Super Samurai Ranger, Red Samurai Ranger
Yellow Samurai Ranger, Yellow Super Samurai Ranger

SPD Rangers
Red Jungle Fury Ranger, Blue Jungle Fury RangerYellow Jungle Fury Ranger, Jungle Fury Rangers
Jungle Fury Wolf Ranger, Jungle Fury Rhino Ranger
Dai Shi, Camille
Jungle Pride Megazord
Gold RPM Ranger, Red RPM Ranger
RPM Power Rangers, Zenith Megazord
Red Samurai Ranger (Lauren), Gold Samurai RangerLight Megazord
Samurai Battlezord, Team Card
Pink Super Samurai Ranger, Red Super Samurai Ranger
Red Super Samurai Ranger, Red Samurai Ranger
Yellow Samurai Ranger, Yellow Super Samurai Ranger
Yellow Megaforce Ranger, Gosei Tiger Mechazord
Red Megaforce Ranger (With Red Samurai Ranger--Henshin Justice exclusive)
Black Megaforce Ranger (With MidoRanger of Goranger --Rangercrew.com exclusive)
Blue Megaforce Ranger (with AoRanger of Goranger -- Rangercrew.com exclusive)
Sky Megazord, Gosei Great Grand Megazord
"Red Megaforce Ranger" (Includes RPM Ranger Red), Red Megaforce Ranger
Red Megaforce Ranger (with VulEagle of Sun Vulcan -- Rangercrew.com exclusive)Red Megaforce Ranger (With Red Samurai Ranger--Henshin Justice exclusive)
Black Megaforce Ranger (With MidoRanger of Goranger --Rangercrew.com exclusive)
Blue Megaforce Ranger (with AoRanger of Goranger -- Rangercrew.com exclusive)
Sky Megazord, Gosei Great Grand Megazord
Robo Knight, Lion Mechazord
Blue Ranger, Black Ranger
Gosei Grand Megazord, Team Card
Red Ultra Megaforce Ranger, Red Ultra Megaforce Ranger
Black Ultra Megaforce Ranger
For RangerCrew exclusives, check out:
For Henshin Justice Unlimited exclusives, check out:
For Henshin Justice Unlimited exclusives, check out:
Fury Diamond reports 7 SDCC (San Diego Comic Con) Card Exclusives by Bandai:
For complete lists check:
John Green of Grnrngr.com's list:
Fury Diamond of Megaforcecast.com's list:
Fury Diamond reports 7 SDCC (San Diego Comic Con) Card Exclusives by Bandai:
For complete lists check:
John Green of Grnrngr.com's list:
Fury Diamond of Megaforcecast.com's list:
Related: http://henshingrid.blogspot.com/2013/03/guardians-of-justice-power-rangers.html
| http://henshingrid.blogspot.com/2013/05/power-rangers-action-card-game-3.html | http://henshingrid.blogspot.com/2013/06/san-diego-comic-con-exclusive-power.html
I'm surprised how fast these are comming out. Any indication of how many there'll be?
So far these cards look good... but seeing time force now along with MMPR, Galaxy and other ranger cards, I'm disappointed that they didn't use actual real life ranger pics used for the Space rangers cards :/ I'm hoping they use real life pics for Zeo
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