Friday, February 7, 2014

Power Rangers Super Megaforce Legacy Nick Game

UPDATED 4/21/14
From my Power Force rep:
 "Featuring the Power Rangers Super Megaforce for the first time, these five Rangers will suit up to fight the forces of Prince Vekar. The Rangers must cut through hordes of X-Borgs and their bigger counterparts, Bruisers, on 3 challenging levels, each with its own unique setting and super powered boss. The game also features all-new Legendary Moves where the Power Rangers Super Megaforce can power up and temporarily morph into iconic Rangers from the past, unleashing their Legendary powers."
This game looks awesome, it is just like the award winning Power Rangers Super Samurai Game that was great and it has Ranger Keys you can unlock and it looks like you will be able to play like the other rangers later on as well. Also Jake and Emma both have Blasters, which sound like real guns. It still gas some bugs like falling X-Borgs or X-Borgs getting stuck but that is common.
 In the last week of March, they added the MMPR Keys. There was some bugs but finally it was fixed by the first week of April. This week they added Lost Galaxy and In Space. They have great graphics when you call an attack. For In Space, they have a technological graphic like the In Space morphing sequence. Lost Galaxy has their individual coins and powers (wind, etc.). Samurai has their Power Symbols and MMPR has the Dinosaur symbol.

 Yellow keys. You can play as Samurai. Yellow's skirt on the key for Samurai is incorrect on the bottom. Only the Space Key has a skirt. The MMPR, Lost Galaxy and Space keys are more drawn than the more CGI looking ones of Samurai and Super Megaforce. When the attacks happen, MMPR and Lost Galaxy have skirts, all the Yellow Rangers have skirts.

Green Super Megaforce, Green Samurai, and Green Lost Galaxy all have different shades of Green. MMPR Black key was incorrectly Green Samurai in the store and was called Mighty Morphin Green.

 Super Megaforce, Samurai and the other keys all have different shades of Pink even though on the show they don't. Only Pink Space key has a skirt. The Pink Samurai Key is incorrect on the bottom.
 Blue Keys (Super Megaforce, Samurai, MMPR, Lost Galaxy and In Space)

Orion's Keys (Super Megaforce Silver, Gold Samurai, Mighty Morphin Green, Magna Defender and Silver Space). Magna Defender is not a button on Gokai Silver's Gokai Cellular/Orion's morpher but Gai Ikari did become Magna Defender with his changer regardless that the button was not there.

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Entertainment Earth updates with new Super Megaforce Toys

Power Rangers Super Megaforce Battle Gear Wave 2 Set
 Legendary Silver Morpher 
Silver Spear
It is said to be released September 2014 but maybe eariler.

Power Rangers Super Megaforce Battle Gear Wave 3 Set
Super Mega Blaster
 Super Mega Saber
Legendary Silver Morpher
 Silver Spear
It is said to be released September 2014 but maybe earlier.

Power Rangers Super Megaforce Training Set Wave 3 Set 
Red Ranger Hero Set and Silver Ranger Hero Set

Power Rangers Super Megaforce Zord and Key Wave 2 Case
Ninja Zord, Mystic Dragon Zord and Green Ranger, and Delta Runner Zord and Blue Ranger
So it looks like we are getting Dragon Zord and Delta Runner again and the Ninja Storm Mini Zord name could change. I thought at least Dino Thunder would get a new zord.

Power Rangers Super Megaforce Ultra Battle Gear Super Mega Cannon 
Unleash ultra battle power with the Power Rangers Super Megaforce Ultra Battle Gear Super Mega Cannon! This powerful cannon was built by blue Ranger Noah after the Power Rangers Super Megaforce team encountered a powerful monster who was immune to their usual attacks. Gathering strength from all 5 Rangers, when this cannon is fired, it blasts an overwhelming punch! Insert up to 5 Ranger Keys for extra power, use the hand pump to build up strength, then watch the LED display to know when the Super Mega Cannon is ready. When it's fully charged, press the trigger to launch 2 discs at once! Discs stick to walls, windows and more, so you can set up targets and perfect your aim. Comes with a target, 3x discs and 1x Legendary Ranger key that can also be inserted into other Power Ranger Battle Gear Items.

 Power Rangers Super Megaforce Cycle and Figure Set
Operation Overdrive Cycle, Jungle Fury Cycle and Turbo Cycle. I bet you that PROO will be Blue, Jungle Fury will be Red and Turbo will be Green.

Deluxe Zord Armor
Deluxe Silver Megazord Armor Ranger

Power Rangers Super Megaforce Deluxe Megazord Wave 3 Set 
Q-Rex Megazord (Silver's zord)
Turbo Falcon (RPM)
Legendary Megazord (final combo)

Power Rangers Super Megaforce Morphin Command Center Playset 
Seems the Command Center Playset is back. "Design your own action environment for the Power Rangers with the Power Rangers Super Megaforce Morphin Command Center Playset! With 17 different interconnecting pieces, you can build the Power Rangers Command Center, Ranger Battle Ship, Megazord Cockpit, and more! The common connection point also allows you to connect pieces from the Zord Builder collection to create an even more dynamic action environment! The Morphin Command Center comes with a 5-inch Ranger and an exclusive Tensou figure. Connect the Deluxe Gosei Morpher, or play with other Power Ranger figures, vehicles, and Zord Builder toys (sold separately)."

Check them all at

Check out Fury Diamond's Ranger Crew Blog for pics of Bandai's Super Megaforce site that is currently down, it wasn't finished yet

ORANGE! Tokkyuger New Catalog Scans

 More trains and a sixth Ranger
 I don't know the name yet but I assume he will be called Six or Roku (six in Japanese). Him being Orange confirms my suspicion we will be getting Rainbow Rangers this year. Also, he is the second Orange after Battle Cossack. But of course Deka Swan, Geki Chopper and Bouken Silver all had orange in their suits as well.

It is not known yet if this is toy-only or in-show (I'm assuming it is just the toys) but here they got a Kyoryuger, Go-Busters and Kamen Rider Den-O version trains to go with the robo.

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Power Rangers DVD Releases #4 (Saban 2011-Now)

UPDATED 2/5/14 12 AM EST
I decided to make a catalog of various VHS and DVDs. It was hard to find pictures of everything. But I tried. Some images and info are from  The following includes not only Samurai but Megaforce and the complete boxsets are the past 20 seasons.

Power Rangers Samurai: The Team Unites
 "Origins Part 1", "Origins Part 2", "The Team Unites" and "Deal with a Nighlok"
Bonus Features: "Auditions" Featurette,  "Train Like a Ranger" Video, "Power Ranger Swarm" Video, and Character Gallery

Power Rangers Samurai: A New Enemy
 "Day Off", "Sticks & Stones", "A Fish Out of Water" and "There Go the Brides"
Bonus Features: Bloopers Featurette, "Ask a Ranger" Featurette, and Weapons Gallery

Power Rangers Samurai: A Team Divided
"I've Got a Spell on Blue", "Forest for the Trees", "Test of the Leader", and "Jayden's Challenge"
Bonus Features: Cast Interviews, "Power Rangers Dubstep" Video and Character Gallery

Power Rangers Samurai: Sixth Ranger
"Unexpected Arrival", "Room for One More", "The Blue and the Gold" and "Team Spirit"
Bonus Features:  "Bloopers" Featurette", "Ask a Ranger" Featurette" and "Train Like a Ranger" Video
Power Rangers The Ultimate Duel
"The Tengen Gate", "Boxed In", "Broken Dreams" and "The Ultimate Duel"
Bonus Features: Character Gallery,  "Mega" Flash Mob Video, "Everyday Fun" Music Video and "Train Like a Ranger" Video
 Power Rangers Samurai: Complete Season
Released January 2014, all 20 episodes of the first season.

Power Rangers Samurai: Monster Bash
   "Party Monsters" with Bonus Features: MMPR S1: "Life's a Masquerade" and MMPR S1: "Trick or Treat" and "Halloween Safety" Video

Power Rangers Samurai: Christmas Together Friends Forever
 "Christmas Together, Friends Forever" and Bonus Features include the MMPR Episode "I'm Dreaming of a White Ranger" and PR Zeo "A Season to Remember", Mega Bloks Holiday Toymation, "Train Like a Ranger" Video and finally "Power Ranger Swarm" Video

 Power Rangers: Clash of the Red Rangers the Movie
Not only the 45 minute special but Special Features include The Power Rangers MEGA Album Playlist Video, "Train Like a Ranger" Video, "Bloopers" Featurette and "Auditions" Featurette; Also included a RPM Ranger Red ACG Promo Trading Card

Power Rangers Super Samurai: The Super Powered Black Box
Includes episodes "Super Samurai", "Shell Game", "Trading Places" and "Something Fishy"
Bonus Features: "Everyday Fun" Music Video and Character Gallery

Power Rangers Super Samurai: Super Showdown
"The Rescue", "The BullZord", "He Ain't Heavy Metal, He's My Brother" and "Kevin's Choice"
Bonus Features: "Everyday Fun" Music Video and Weapons Gallery

More after the jump

Monday, February 3, 2014

Power Rangers VHS and DVD Releases #3 (Disney)

I decided to make a catalog of various VHS and DVDs. It was hard to find pictures of everything. But I tried. Some images and info are from 

Power Rangers Ninja Storm: Prelude to a Storm
DVD/VHS "Prelude to a Storm", "There's No "I" in Team" and "Beauty and the Beach"

Power Rangers Ninja Storm: Looming Thunder
DVD/VHS  "Looming Thunder" "Thunder Strangers, Part I" "Thunder Strangers, Part II" "Thunder Strangers, Part III"

Power Rangers Ninja Storm Lightning Strikers
DVD/VHS Return of Thunder, Part one to four

Power Rangers Ninja Storm Samurai's Journey
VHS/DVD: "Pork Chopped, "The Samurai's Journey, Part I"  "The Samurai's Journey, Part II" "The Samurai's Journey, Part III" DVD Bonus Features: Ninja Moves and Virtual Trading Cards

Power Rangers Ninja Storm: Cyber Clash
VHS/DVD "Scent of a Ranger" "I Love Lothor" "Good Will Hunter"  "All About Beevil"
DVD Bonus Features: Ninja Moves and Virtual Trading Cards

Power Rangers Dino Thunder: Day of the Dino
VHS/DVD  "Day of the Dino, Part I", "Day of the Dino, Part II", and "Wave Goodbye"  Bonus Features: Ninja Storm episodes "Storm Before the Calm, Part I" and "Storm Before the Calm, Part II", Ninja Moves and Virtual Dino Thunder Trading Cards

Power Rangers Dino Thunder: Legacy of Power
VHS/DVD "Legacy of Power", "Back in Black", "Diva in Distress", "Game On" and "Golden Boy" DVD Bonus Features: Ninja Moves and Virtual Trading Cards

Power Rangers Dino Thunder: White Thunder
VHS/DVD "Beneath the Surface", "White Thunder, Part 1", "White Thunder, Part 2", "White Thunder, Part 3" and "Truth and Consequences"

Power Rangers Dino Thunder: Collison Course
VHS/DVD: "Leader of the Whack", "Burning at Both Ends", "The Missing Bone","Bully for Ethan" and "Lost & Found in Translation"

  Power Rangers Dino Thunder: Triassic Triumph
DVD/VHS "It's a Mad Mad Mackerel" "Copy That" "Triassic Triumph" "A Star is Torn" "A Ranger Exclusive" and Bonus Features: Power Rangers SPD: Exclusive Featurette, "Return of the Ranger" Featurette and Ninja Moves

Newly added Super Megaforce toy listings

Amazon has added the second wave of Ranger Keys, from Toy Wiz. The first wave is from Amazon, reasonable prices.
Toy Wiz
Toy Wiz has the second wave of Ranger Keys in stock, but at large prices.
They added Super Mega Blaster, Saber, Armored Might figures, Hand Gear, Morpher, Hero Sets and Megazord of Super Megaforce. You can't order them online yet though.
Toys R Us
They added the first wave of Ranger Keys and the Hand Gear

Power Rangers VHS Releases #2 (Saban/Disney 1996-2002)

I decided to make a catalog of various VHS and DVDs. It was hard to find pictures of everything. But I tried. Some images and info are from and
Power Rangers Zeo: Zeo Quest
1996 VHS, the multi-parter with other scenes.

Power Rangers Zeo: It Came From Angel Grove
1996 VHS episode "It came from Angel Grove"

Turbo: A Power Rangers Movie
1997 VHS

 Power Rangers In Space  
1998 VHS was a movie made of episodes Rangers Gone Psycho, A Rift In The Rangers, Five Of A Kind, Silence Is Golden and The Enemy Within.

 Power Rangers Lost Galaxy: The Power Of Teamwork Overcomes All  
Includes Episodes Quasar Quest Part 1 and Part 2 and Race To The Rescue

Power Rangers Lost Galaxy: The Return Of The Magna Defender
The Magna Defender, The Sunflower Search, Orion Rising, Orion Returns, and Redemption Day

 Power Rangers Lightspeed Rescue
Three episodes: Operation Lightspeed, Lightspeed Teamwork, and Trial By Fire

Sunday, February 2, 2014

Power Rangers VHS Releases #1 (Mighty Morphin)

I decided to make a catalog of various VHS and DVDs. It was hard to find pictures of everything. But I tried. Some images and info are from and
Day of the Dumpster
Two versions were released, the first in 1993 and the second in 1994 with new boxart and new promos and an interview with Jason from the D.A.R.E. event they had. The second version was also released in Spanish in the United States called "El Inicio" (The beginning). It just had one episode: "Day of the Dumpster." Both had the Red Ranger on the cover.

Happy Birthday, Zack
Two versions were released, both had the Black Ranger on the cover. It was the episode "Happy Birthday, Zack." The second version had special feature like an interview with Zack from from the D.A.R.E. event they had.

Food Fight
Both had "Food Fight" which really didn't feature Billy but nevertheless he was on the cover. In the second version, it had Billy Interview from D.A.R.E. Ironically, on the back of one of the tapes of the first versions, it had Billy as the Green Ranger, this before we knew of the existence of Tommy.

High Five
Two versions, both had the episode "High Five." The second had an interview with Trini from the D.A.R.E. event they had.

No Clowning Around
Even though Kimberly is not featured in this episode, both versions had her on the cover. The second had an interview with Kim from the D.A.R.E. event. I had the Spanish version of this one.

Green With Evil Part One Out of Control
Both versions had the first episode of the saga, the second version had "Interview with Tommy & Friends."

Green With Evil Part Two Jason's Battle
Both versions had the second episode of the saga, the second version had "Interview with Tommy & Friends."

 Green with Evil Part Three The Rescue
Both versions had the 3rd episode of the saga, the second version had "Interview with Tommy & Friends."

 Green with Evil Part Four Eclipsing Megazord
Both versions had the 4th episode of the saga, the second version had "Interview with Tommy & Friends."

 Green with Evil Part Five Breaking the Spell

Both versions had the 5th episode of the saga, the second version had "Interview with Tommy & Friends."

More after the Jump