11 figures come with magent. Left to Right: Baseball Mask, Sunring Mask, Iron Mask, Black Cross Fuehrer, Golden Mask, Zolder and the Goranger. 2002.
Villains include Locomotive Mask, Cowshoe Mask, Baseball Mask, Command-in-Chief Golden Mask, and Zolder. 2006.
EVillains include Television Mask, Gold Mask, Black Cross Fuehrer, Cresent Moon Mask, and Poison Gas Mask. 2006.
(Left to Right, top row): Cowshoe Mask, Posion Gas Mask, Television Mask, Fire Mountain Mask Magman, Zolder
(Left to Right, second row): Stove Mask, Pinwheel Mask, Can Opener Mask, Clock Mask, Baseball Mask
(Left to Right, third row): Iron Princess Mask, Sunring Mask, Iron Mask, and Black Cross Fuehrer.
(Left to Right, bottom row): Deathbird Mask, Gold Mask, Steel Sword Dragon, Locomotive Mask.
Set came with Ashura, Obular, Red Falcon, Professor Bias, Doctor Mazenda, and Beauty Beast Kemp.
Playset with play-doh like containers to mold monsters out of.
Unknown if any other figures of the Hana no Kunoichi Team was made. I found this in a magazine scan of female figures.
Came with three solid Baranoia villain statues.

They had a trend of making figures of the villianesses. Nice detail, rather accurate.

Wolzard figures and merchandise
Wolzard figure, his sword and shield, Wolzaphone and Wolzakaizer.
Fully detailed and color-accurate rendition of the main antagonist of Gekiranger.
The only likenesses of Rio and Mele were in the Gekiranger mini-figures.

Girls In Uniform
(Clockwise starting from the grey one:) Queen Hedrian from "Sunvulcan," Chimera from "Dynaman," Mea from "Magiranger," Kegaleshia from "Go-Onger," Lije from "Abaranger," Zonnette from "Carranger," Queen Ahames from "Changeman," Furabiijo from "Hurricanger," Farrahcat from "Bioman," Shibolena from "Megaranger," Nai from "Magiranger," and Kirika from "Turboranger." Six of them (Queen Hedrian, Queen Ahames, Shibolena, Zonnette, Furabiijo, and Lije) are part of the Dark Heronies collection.

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