UPDATED 8/30/10
No Pic: Buffalo Undead (Blade), Death Buffalo (Super-1), Cannon Buffalo (V3)
No Pic: Buffalo Undead (Blade), Death Buffalo (Super-1), Cannon Buffalo (V3)
No Pic Yet: Moose Fangire
No Pic Yet: Moose Fangire
No Pics: Wolf Man and Gold Werewolf (Kamen Rider), Snow Wolf (V3), Wolf Imagin (Den-O), and Kuragewolf (half jelly-fish and half wolf of Kamen Rider).
Wolf Orphnoch (Faiz)
No Pics: Wolf Man and Gold Werewolf (Kamen Rider), Snow Wolf (V3), Wolf Imagin (Den-O), and Kuragewolf (half jelly-fish and half wolf of Kamen Rider).
No Pics: Mukadetiger (Kamen Rider)--half Centipede, Crazy Tiger (Super-1), Tiger Undead (Blade), Gynajagram (Black RX)

PIGS (8)
No Pic: Boar Undead (Blade), Magnet Boar (V3), Inokabuton (Kamen Rider), Go-Jiino-Da (Kuuga Special), Piggies Imagin (Den-O).
No Pic: Me-Uzaa-Da (Kuuga)

No Pics: Dirll Mole (V3), and Mogurang (KR)
EQUUS (10)
No Pics Yet: Zebra Lord (Agito), and Me-Juuma-Da (Kuuga).

No Pic: Zozongar (Super-1), Neo-Shocker Kaijin (Sky Rider), Vampiric Mammoth (V3), Elephant Undead (Blade)
No Pics: Armadillong (Kamen Rider), Armadillo Imagin (Den-O), & Armadig (Skyrider)
No Pics: Armadillong (Kamen Rider), Armadillo Imagin (Den-O), & Armadig (Skyrider)
No Pic: Yamaarashi-Roid (Birth of the 10th! Kamen Riders All Together!!) and Beastman Porcupine (Amazon)
No Pic: Yamaarashi-Roid (Birth of the 10th! Kamen Riders All Together!!) and Beastman Porcupine (Amazon)
1 comment:
you forgot the Mole imagin from Den-o they were the Grunt imagin i think there were like 4 or 5 different hand weapons an d they just swapped them around
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